Thursday, September 24, 2009

To My Sunshine, My Love, My Gorgeous Boy, Jason Tyler

Jason, my little boy, the one that turned my world totally and completely around in such a beautiful, wonderful, magical way....
I love you...
More than words could ever express. You make me so proud, so happy, so content. You teach me and guide me in so many ways you have no idea of right now. Thank you. Thank you for coming down to me and sharing my life. I could never dream or wish for another life.
From the moment I found out I was pregnant with you, I was of course, shocked, but also really happy. I think I looked at that pregg stick like, twenty million times and smiled each time! I think I took like, three or four more tests throughout the next two weeks, just to make sure I was still pregnant. and each time I saw it blue, I would grin from ear to ear. I would lie in my bed and just rub my tummy, imagining what you would look like and what it would be like to have a little baby in my life. I did everything I could to keep you, I stayed far away from the slightest unhealthy or "bad for pregnant women" things, and I prayed each night that you'd be safe and grow fully and strong. every time I saw you on the ultrasound, it made me all happy inside. and I'd stare at those pictures the midwife would give me and I would try to imagine your little face. and when you kicked, and that was pretty often, I would talk to you each time and tell you that I was there and loved you, and couldn't wait to finally hold you.
and when you finally arrived on September 24th, 2008, 10:19 pm. one week late, I was more than excited to meet you. hearing your little voice made all those long hours of labor worth it all. even though I was ready to knock out from tiredness, I smiled and worried for you, since the room was kinda chilly.
and sweetie, this year has been a huge roller coaster ride for both me and daddy, but it's been the most thrilling and wild, awesome one we've ever been on. we've learned so much and been through so much, but the best thing about it all was that we went through it all with you!! we're looking forward to many many more crazy years with you!!
thanks for being my world, my angel, my dancer, my cuddle bug, my toothy grinner, my picture pal, my rascle wide-eyed adventurer. and more. for someone so little, you do everything so great!
I love you, sweetheart!! forever and ever and ever and ever!!! don't ever grow out of your adorable, sweet loving, cuddly, munchkin of a pooch!! You'll forever be my prince. xoxoxoxo

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