Tuesday, September 15, 2009


two weeks ago, sweet little Marmora had a fair! For Labor Day!
So we all went and did some rides and munched on some yummies and in the evening, enjoyed watching cars smash each other. in other words, went to a Derby.
it was a good day, and for a small town, the fair was pretty good. just too bad Jas was too small to enjoy any of them. although Greg took him on the merry-go-round. his very first one! AW! I don't know how it is with other moms, but to me that was a special moment!

when we got home, around nine, Jason pulled out his cars and started doing his own little derby. and Joe was like..Zzzzzzzzzzzzz beside him. but then of course, I wanted to watch Batman Forever, the really good oldie, and so I got him up.
yes, and me and elena sorta enjoyed some glasses photos. cheese!

Good night!!

ahhh, and I thought I would end on these photos.
My Aunt came for two days and she's a vegetarian, so yes, we were thinking....what should we make for meals! and mom came up with the brilliant plan of making Tempura!! (and well, my aunt had been wanting to try it, so it was all good) so mom cooked it up. Sweet potato, onions and carrots, mushrooms (Oh gosh, I Looooooooved those mushrooms!) annnnd..one more thing, but I forget! anyhow. I made a salad, and Elena put together some oishi temakizushi! so in the end, we had a really yummy yummy veggie dinner! whoopwhooop!


Lil said...

yay photos! Awesome ones too, love the one of you and jo on the ride, looks like a pretty decent fair considering the size of the town! I really like how jason pulls out his cars after the derby lol.

Can't believe jaja is almost 1 soon!! exciting!

Elena said...

hahah my avocado temakizushi didn't turn out so bad after all. woopdidoo!

Chacha said...

yeah and you were complaining the whole time.
see, sometimes you just have to listen to me! nyahaha..

I know..he's gunna be ONE! eek!! I am so excited about his birthday...all my planning....