Monday, July 27, 2009

me & my punk

we were trying to talk to Aunty Lixy, but she wasn't at her computer..or so it seemed. sniff!!
so instead, we got a bit distracted and had fun playing with the webcam! kee hee. don't you just love his little pig-tail atop his head? I couldn't resist! I love my baby boy to bitZ!!!!!!!!!


Lil said...

ahhh little baby girl! haha love how he has hair now, he can have many looks now

Jesse said...

So cute!

Jesse said...

Don't have to post this but it looks like Jason isn't so happy in the third picture.

Chacha said...

hahahaha! yeah, it was like...I forget how late it was at night, but it was past his bedtime. so he was sorta grumpy!!
lol. more like I was having fun... ><

Lixy Wallace said...

Oh no, my poooooor poochie! I'm sorry, if I had known I wouldn't have missed that little face for the world. I'll make up to you for it:) Give him big kisses for me!