Friday, May 15, 2009

pay attention

today, me and jason were both watching a video and sitting on the bed going through my make-up bag--which, by the way, he loves to play with. I wasn't paying attention to him so when he suddenly went silent i knew something was seriously wrong. when i looked at him he was holding my eye-brow razer in his hand and almost ready to stick the thing in his mouth! OMG!! major freak out. I never jumped so much in my life.
the bad news was, he managed to cut himself on his chin and finger. the good news is, it wasn't serious, he didn't poke himself in his eye or any soft places, and he obviously didn't feel any pain because he just went right for something else as soon as I took it out of his hands.
I learned a lesson. had a heart attack. and will be much more careful next time.
thank you Jesus he's safe and happy!! I was actually so relived he was okay, I wrote a song for him. hahahaha. yeah..I'm a bit too much. but what can I say? I'm a mommy!!! ><


Lil said...

ohhh scary!! soo glad hes ok. Moms have to have like eyes in the back of heads! what's the song like? I"m sure he'll love to hear it when hes older hehe

Babylove said...

Aww....good to hear he was OK. THose heart attack moments are good every once in a long while....keeps us on our toes. Last one Erika (3) swallowed a nickel but it did end up coming out 2 days later. :)

nina said...

whoa thats freaky!! I'm so glad he didn't cut himself worse!