Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mister Pinkie # 1

other than the chewing on anything he could get his little hands and mouth on, which he's been doing ever since he could control his digits, me and Joe both had no idea that Jason was teething. which surprised us when the other day I felt a toothy on his bottom gum! ack! eeek! hurrah!! my baby boy is getting his first sweet tooth!! ah whata joy! so far there's been no biting, but good grief, that fear is still out there.
one million claps for my baby boy. who's also doing sooo well on the potty. everything concerning his # twos are right there in the potty. TYJ.


Lil said...

ohh clap clap clap and big kisses to little teething man who goes on the potty already! surprised he hasn't gotten the fussy deal yet. He's probably so darn tough that a little break in the gum doesn't faze him lol. I guess it's just the beginning so we'll see..:)

pictures of tiny teeth pleeeaasee!

Sharon said...

What a cute little family you guys are. Hey, what a coincidence, I cut my bangs only a few days before you did, Cha! I'm in Japan now, by the way, but I'm going back to Colorado in July. It would be cool if we could meet sometime. I've been wanting to see Canada. Well, I'm glad to see you're doing fantastic. Love you lots.

Chacha said...

yeah every time i try to look at his cutie pie little white tooth he puts his tongue in front of it. so photos will come when he actually smiles and you can see it! haha

sharon! wow, yeah elena told me you were back in Japan! when you get back, let's definitely meet up. you so have to meet Jason:) you'd love him.
lots of love!