Saturday, December 19, 2009

Baby Jesus

I just love the story of baby Jesus being born.
something about it makes me feel so...wonderful inside.
the whole thought of Mary going through the whole pregnancy, knowing that she was carrying God's Son inside? And giving birth and finally holding the tiny Son of God?
I've been through pregnancy, I've been through the whole giving birth to a baby. I know what it's like. It's wonderful, it's tough, but it's amazing. during pregnancy you have a complete connection with your unborn baby, that no one else can have. and when you finally hear your baby cry, after hours of labor, your heart melts, jumps, and just goes crazy. when you finally, after waiting for nine long months, hold your tiny newborn in your arms and throw all care out the window that you are exhausted and weak.
I know what it's like.
And just to imagine, what it would have been like for Mary, is soooo beautiful. It must have been ten times better than giving birth to an ordinary child. Just knowing that the Son of GOD is crying for her. she gets to cuddle him, kiss him, sing him to sleep. do all those things every mother does for her child. it's just amazing to me..she must have really felt....beyond honored.
it's just such a warming thought. seeing the amazing, powerful Jesus coming down to earth in such an innocent, perfect, tiny, helpless little form of a baby..and Mary having the blessing, honor, privilege to be his mother, and Joseph his father..what that must have felt like for them...
I love it so much...

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