Friday, March 19, 2010

for lils

I was just going through my old stuff and happened to come across my pregnancy diary. And I read this one part that I had listed all the things I couldn't stand during my first three months of pregnancy.
Just thought it'd be fun to post it here for you. it's always interesting to know what other mom's went through right?

"Daikan-everytime I go on walks, the neighborhood people just always seem to like cooking that stuff and it stinks!
Cup noodle- I have NO idea why but the smell and thoughts of eating it just makes me sick
Onigiris-maybe because I ate TONS during the first few weeks after finding out I was pg..? maybe got sick of them..
Toilet spray- rotten watermellon!!
Onions and garlic-it's not so much the smell of them being cooked, but the smell that comes out of people's mouths after it's eaten! (ok on this one, I hated the smell of onions throughout the WHOLE pregnancy. Poor joe couldn't eat any through the whole nine months. And finally when I was back to normal, he was verrry much in heaven!)
My own cologne or deodorant
The smell of dirty clothes, dirty hair, stuffy rooms-can't stand a second of any of them!
Smell of heaters
Smell of deep-fried oil. (on this one, once someone was frying french fries, and like always, you can smell it everywhere in the house. but to me it was soooooo bad. I wanted to go pee majorly, but couldn't even walk downstairs because the smell was too strong, so the boys, bless their hearts, had to go down and spray some sweet smelling a ton! of it, and even then I had to hold my breath a bit. good lord..)

that's pretty much it! haha hope you've been entertained. I sure gave myself a laugh. fun to remember those odd days..
luv u xxx

1 comment:

lil said...

aahahaha thank you I had such a great laugh. SOO true, deep fried oil! Dirty clothes is sooo bad! Stuffy rooms, I got NUTS and it does seem like everyone is just cooking all day! so good, I like how you have everything detailed, great memories..

It's still senstive smells and now I feel like my rib cage is going to crack open from lack of space in belly! Whatta ride lol