Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hockey & Jason photos

so here's the photos of pookie wookie that I promised:)
isn't he a total pooch?! ehehehehe. notice the little skates he has on his boots. AW


Megumi Hirasawa said...

Aw! So cute! How was he for balancing on his little skates? By the way, can he say a few words now?

lil said...

aaaack, he's so tiny! Specially compared to jo, so cuuutee! does he move in those little skates? Looks like he's going to be an outdoor sporty dude when he grows older. love that far shot of him, hes like a little bundled shorty on the ice it's hilarious.

Chacha said...

he sorta hop walks in them, sometimes sliding a bit, but yeah he can balance. I mean, it's not real skates, with only one blade in the middle. it's beginners, so they have two blades. it's just to get the kids used to the idea of the skating motion on ice. and as soon as he gets that, then we wanna get him one blade skates.

Chacha said...

well..he babbles a lot, he really wants to talk. we'll have these conversations with him just babbling away at us when we talk to him.
but of course he can say mama, dada, amap (for Grampa) and whenever we give him something, we always get him to "say the word" of what we're giving him before he can have it. and he'll try. but nothing much.
tho he signals a lot and points to things he wants. haha

lil said...

yeah meg I heard and saw him babbling on skype the other day, it's so cute, he sounds like he's actually talking, like he's really serious about it all lol

Jesse said...

Aww. You trying to make him a Canadian?

Megumi Hirasawa said...

Aw! That's so cute! I want to see him on Skype too.

Were in the process of moving. Were moving into our new place next weekend so once we settle down and get the internet up then we should try to arrange a time to get on skype.

Tearz Sakai said...

Cha he's so cute:D he's actually trying to play hockey.

Chacha said...

no, we're actually not trying to do that at all.. hee hee, he's the one making himself into one!!!
BUT!! good news is, I'm trying to keep the Japanese in him so when we visit he can at least say some words to his GG's!!
and yes, Meg, Joe keeps saying how he needs and wants to be more in touch with YOU! so once you guys get set up, it's a must:)
good luck with moving!! will be praying