Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Aqua Pal


Otanjyobi omedetou!!!!! I know it's probably over by now, but technically I'm still "on time" here in Canada, so, hehehehehehee, I didn't forget your day!
Just wanted to pipe up a quick shout out to you and give you many warm internet bloggy hugs and kisses for your special day!
I hope you had a blast and were treated like a total and complete queen! massage, fed by a handsome naked man in a loin cloth, bubble bath, people bowing down to you and throwing down their jackets so you won`t get dirty when you walk..
stuff like that, you know what I`m getting at! hehe.
anyways Mari, you`ve been a long time pal, and even though recent years we haven`t been as close as we USED TO BE. (read, elena`s blog..hahhahaa) it`s all chilled and I think you`re swell.
Happy birthday cutie!

1 comment:

Mari said...

NOOO!!! fed by a man in a loin cloth!!!!!! ahhahahaha!!! I love it!!!

THanks cha!!! always so sweet!!!
love and miss you lots!!

p.s.!! I love those picutres!! ahhah! good ol' days!