the photos below include some of the recent happenings here in little Marmora, inside the Wallace house..
I think I already mention earlier about the battle to cut Jason's hair. well the photos are proof of his hatred towards the little machine. we tried to give him snacks, but even then, his face doesn't seem to approve of the little bugger in daddy's hand.
we went to a friend's daughter's skating competition. little Jenna, got fourth place I think. whata star!
put up the lights! that was a good day...Charlotte, Greggy's friend came over and we all had lots of fun dropping light bulbs and falling down. but in the end, it was a pretttty sight. C-mas lights are so welcoming!!
theen the long awaited Santa Parade. Sadly, Lixy didn't find her handsome santa (being that there was only one, and he was taken: Mrs. Santa would not approve), but we did find happiness in standing in the freezing cold, all bundled up with earmuffs and gloves, watching the fun, bright, cheery people show off their stuff!
as for my little punk, he's growing soooo fast! totally weaned and sleeps THROUGH the night. can you believe it? I am actually sleeping right through the night too! this is time for celebration!
Our team has costumes, and our first show is on the 3rd!! lots of prayers and cheers would make our day!
..everyone seems to be having babies or getting pg this's really making me want another one myself!
So funny! Jason truely hates the buzzer. He must have had trama the first time he had his hair buzzed.
Looks like you were successful after giving him snacks, but the rest of the photos show him still with long hair. No luck still?
no, actually the first time we buzzed his hair he was a few months old and had no idea what was going on. lol
yeah we sorta got through the sides, then he just wouldn't sit still for beans, so we put it off till later, which hasn't happened yet. we need to fix it up! poor baby has hair in his eyes all the time these days..
must get it done!
What about a pair of scissors? He has such soft hair it's so cute. I love how he's hugging daddy while looking at the mean buzzer lol. like the photo of all 3 of you, jason is getting cuter and cuter every day.
haha I love that photo too! ><
yeah I know scissors would do the job without him freaking, but I have no faith in them in my hands..
haha. we're gunna do it soon tho..
his hair is getting too much. lol
If the front is what you're concerned about, try using the scissors when he's sleeping. It might make it a little easier.
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