Wednesday, February 04, 2009

my deeep thots

the other day we had a show for the down's syndrome. all of us piled into the van at 9 nine in the morning to go dance and sing for them. it went really well, and they were all so happy and excited that we were able to come. we ate a good lunch, and said goodbye.

it was a good day.
but during lunchtime, I observed everyone in the room. all the staff were seated at different tables, helping everyone eat, drink, and serve themselves. I thought to myself, how loving of them!! seriously.
here they are, spending every day with these people, bathing them, feeding them, clothing them, playing with them, teaching them! being so patient, so sweet, so understanding and so full of love. none of them seemed to complain, none of them seemed bothered or tired. all of them were all smiles, so bubbly. it made me think hard about my own life and attitude towards everything in it. Am I like those people? Patient? Kind? Understanding? Do I keep my cool when children throw fits, push their food away, talk back at me? how often do I get tired during the long hours of caring for my OWN son? here I am, handing him over to others so I can take a break, when the VOLUNTEERS at the down syndrome home give their time all day, and stay so patient, managing to keep going even though their day gives them only one, two? hours or maybe less, of constant overseeing and busy hands? for someone who probably doesn't even know Jesus, get inspiring word and prayer every day, how do they do it? I've got to pull up my socks! these people are beautiful people, I need and want to be more like them. more giving of myself, even when it means i've already given so much already. staying strong and calm, even though everything around them goes crazy. I don't want to see the kids in my home as a burden, I want to see them as a blessing. Lord help me. help me to have the ultimate and never ending love of You! help me to give of myself, my time, my things, and share everything to others. and bless those dear sweet people who make an all-day, full-time responsibility, seem so easy, so fun, and something beautiful!


Lil said...

aww cha! you're unselfish thoughts are already the best thing you can start with. It really is amazing when people give of themselves so much at those types of jobs. IT takes a special type of character and strength. sigh...

Anonymous said...

aww make me feel so selfish!

Chacha said...

haha, no way. those sweet workers make ME feel selfish.
Lord help me!!

Elena said...

hahah chubs you're SO sweet! I think if I had that job every day I might cry.