Saturday, January 24, 2009

it's the four monther

Fats! you're four months old today! and how time flys! I'm already missing that tiny, weency little bug. now you're this huge milk-monster! but me and daddy love every bit of that blub:)
I hope you've enjoyed your first four months of life, and only pray that the next month will be MUCH more exciting. and let's try to include some new cool things, like sitting all by yourself and saying...mama!? ahahahaha... well, that can come later ><

and this is my pooda getting his FIRST buz! yay!!!!

me with hair

are you sure we should try this at home?!

save me?!

"lookie lookie! are you ready to see baldy boy?"

Tadan! not such a huge difference, since Pooda hardly had HAIR anyways. but he was balding in the back... yeaaahhh...


Lil said...

EEEHEEE!! He's SO FLUB!!!! I can't believe it, Are you sure you sure there's no way to say...give him low fat milk lol, put him on a diet LOL
Love the shaved little man, his eyes are so expressive like guys..I don't think it will suit me?

SO cute!! want to squeeze his little fat rolls

Anonymous said...

omg he's huge! I thought he was big when i was around, but he's massive! He's growing too fast, but he's adorable!

Anonymous said...

Awww, what a cute little munchkin. I'm glad to know that all is going well and that you're all happy and healthy.
I'm in Colorado now at last, and am looking for a job. I haven't found anything yet, but I'm sure more options will open up in February when more places will be hiring again. It's just been hard for everyone to get jobs in the states because of the economy. But it's not too bad where I am. I'll find something eventually.
Love you lots.


Anonymous said...

WOW, look at them rolls on that arms! hahahah cutsie pie.