Friday, October 17, 2008


So I guess I’ll maybe keep this post to a “talking” post.
Of the recent…
The undokai went well---sorta. Other than not getting first place for the total points, the guys did real good, had lots of fun, and Joe won first place in the bread race! Hurrah! My love, I knew you could do it:) of course I didn’t eat his prized bread that he brought home for me, since it was anco! Eww. But I’m keeping it anyway! I wish I had photos from that day! But sadly, I didn’t go, which means my camera wasn’t taken. My dad snapped a bit with his, but I really doubt I’ll ever get around to taking them off his comp! maybe Lainy will post some on her blog…maybbeee…

Jason is getting big! Well…in a way! He’s almost a month old! I can’t believe it! He loooves his pacifier, baths, and anything flashy and bright. Joe also bought him some cute little rattles that Jason adores---wishes he could grab and eat them---but adores nonetheless! He also LOVES to lay on the bed and look up at his little toy set..thingy….he’ll cry in your arms, then once put down, gets real happy fast! It’s sooo cool:) makes me happy. Hee hee.
I’m basically recovered, and the best part is, I’m back down to my original weight (have been from the first week after Jason popped out!), and a little less! Weeeeeee. I can’t wait till I can get back into my normal workouts, and soon I’ll be able to take Jason out with me, so me and Joe can actually take him out with us and not have to leave him with grandma and the kids. (not that we don’t trust YOU! We just always worry and miss him when we’re not around for too long!)

joe's out at the job again...SNIFF! I always miss him on these days! and I don't think I'll ever get over it. I would say Jason misses him..but I really don't think he notices daddy gone...especially when all he thinks about is boob, poop, and major sleep. :) in November, they'll be busy ALOT, which makes me sad. maybe I'll handcuff him to our room and keep him with me:) tee hee hee.

Soooooooo that basically sums things up. I’m sure there’s more I could type up here, but Jason is awake and so I think the boob calls out to him:o
Muchos ai!

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