Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I like photos and there were some on dad's cam, and I wanted to post them because dad's photos are SO Much more better quality then mine because..his camera goes WAY beyond mine...but not for long!
eh he he!!
it's a good cam! and it was a good summer!
baby I miss you! but you'll be coming around next month Lord willing! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one thousand million contrillion...xbillion kisses for you!!!!!!!!! XXXXXXXXXX

I LOVED that taiko game and dancing game...but Babe beat me every time...sniff...
i'll beat you yet my pretty!! muwaahhahaha.. evil laugh*
Ooohh! and the tabehodai, it was a "healthy food restaurant" like no sugars used or fatty meats, etc,. and soooo, we got to pig out as much as we could and still be happy healthy people! nyahaha. that's a good place to go...ehe!! pig out, don't feel bad!! whoo!!!
no but, the food was really good though. proves that healthy is the way to go! rock on!


Anonymous said...

is that first picture a taiko game?

Chacha said...

so so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

ahahha of coures joe was better at the taiko game he actually plays drums so dont feel bad lol love you

Anonymous said...

Awwww I Miss you to Baby!! Yes I will see you soon!! (KISS!!) Hey you look really cute in that photo of us on the row-boat and your sticking out your tongue! I like it!! Hehe! I MISS YOU!!!


Chacha said...

no no! miiiks! Joe was better at the Dancing one. aahah my feet were like..freaken out all over the place! sooo coordinated eh?? :p
tho Joe was better than me at the Taiko too..but only a taaaaaaaad! lucky dakara:p
hee heee