Tuesday, September 04, 2007


to people who read my blog, or just skim through it, to people who smash blogs or post silly comments to bother, PLEAAAAASEE.....
please pray for my Obachian. she's found out that she's got cancer, and it doesn't sound too good...the situation is kinda complicated and there's already been so much that's been happening recently that it's really sad to hear this news..
so please if you read this, please keep my obachian and the whole situation in your prayers!!! prayers are very powerful and I know that the Lord will work His perfect plan! please just pray that His plan includes the healing part!!!
thanks so much guys..
we all would really appreciate it a lot.

"Prayer is not the least you can do, it's the BEST thing you can do." so please..keep her in your prayers
thank you so much guys!
I love u!


Anonymous said...

I'll definately be praying for your gramma. Take care ne?

Chacha said...

thank you!!!!! I can always count on you with prayers!

Anonymous said...

We are all praying for your Grandmother, often. We really pray the Lord will have his perfect will for her.


Chacha said...

yay!! I like your prayers baby! heee hee!
I know Jesus and the people who need em like em too!! thank YOU!