Tuesday, May 29, 2007

well things have been happening recently that have kept me from ever touching my blog...good reasons! heh.
camping was great fun! for those of you who have been to Jess' blog, he posted some pics...tho I am planning on posting em on mine..once i can get this comp to work. OH, which reminds me...I have news!...ready??
My camera has now officially died. sniff.
it was always a little weird from the beginning, since it was bashed pretty nastily a while back and so a few different cool buttons stopped working on it. but i sufficed with snapping photos with what I had, and it made me happy!:) now it's gone and I am desperate for a new camera since I can't stand another exciting moment happening without my camera! I see others snapping shots here and there with great big smiles on their faces and I am sitting in the corner...sniff...looking at all the happy people, wishing I could capture the moments! ah! soon..I will soon get another one!! with prayers ne..
anyhow. Life is good and God is fair. so all's well! i'll be posting other new things later, right now i'm ready to sleep. enjoy yourselves..and your cameras..
love you guys! xxxxx


Anonymous said...

your camera broke?! gasp, that means no more photos for a long time! that's so sad!!!

Chacha said...

i knooooow!! my world is shattered...haha...
pray that I can raise money for one kay?:)