Friday, September 24, 2010

my birthday boy

two years ago today, I was tired and in much pain but in the most happy mood I'd ever been in forever. my little skinny newborn was teeny and sleeping sooo peacefully, I wished I had the legs of an iron horse to stand by his little crib all night.
I had waited 9 months and some, to finally be a mother and finally he chose to pop out one week late.
it was the best day of my life, and the end of an old one and beginning of a new one. a better one.
you changed my life Jason. from head to toe, and toe to head. it's a rough ride and hard sometimes but just being you, who you are, makes those times worth it all. Life is better with you. I love you to the moon and back!! and then some more!
you're mommy's little man and I'll always remember the day when you first came into my life. Thanks for being in it still. these two years with you have been a thrilling ride, and I'm not ever going to wanna get off.
never change.
be who you want to be.
and don't let anyone tell you something's impossible.
you're my champion and can beat the world with the tip of your finger.
happy birthday, Love.
Mommy loves you for infinity


lil said...

nawww, such a sweet post. Would be so nice if he could read this when he's like 20...hehe.
look how tiny he was!

Jesse said...

Aww thats so cute!