Friday, December 02, 2011

Me and Joe have just recently noticed that whenever Joe would come home in the evening, Jason would make it hard for him and always say things like, "no I want to read with mommy." or "I give mommy love. not you" or, "daddy you're mean. I want mommy."
and Joe's been feeling really hurt. and we've been trying to figure it out, cus when Joe is home, he's always focusing on Jason and really putting good quality time into him.
so just today I realized just what it is. Because when we woke up this morning, Jason asked as usual, where daddy was. And I told him that "daddy is working today." but instead of shrugging it off and getting on with his day, he started saying, "Not again. Daddy always working. He come home in the afternoon, when it is sun." and I told him, "no buddy, daddy will come home when it gets dark. after we have dinner." and he got really upset with me and almost cried.
so I went on trying to comfort him and tell him Daddy will be home soon to play, etc,. etc,.
anyways, so tonight Joe comes home and as usual, I get my free time while he gets Jason ready for bed and reads storytime. And Jason starts to say the same things like, "I don't like you daddy." "I want mommy to read me story" etc,. and Joe is starting to really freak out, like, why does my son not like me???
But I already started getting the idea from this morning so me and Joe started to talk to Jason and try to figure out what was going on. And Jason ran over to the bed and covered his face and started to act all distant and weird on Joe.
He was starting to get all emotional and odd on us so I told Joe it was probably because he missed him when he was gone at work and didn't like that he came home so late--because Jason really did looove hanging out with him. So joe started to ask questions and get the little bugger's thoughts to roam free. and Jason started to get teary eye and say things like, "I don't like you going to work." "You gunna go tomorrow. I sad" stuff like that..
so we realized Jason's just trying to deal with his little emotions. he misses his dad and doesn't like it when Joe is gone. so the only way he figures will work, is to be angry with Joe when he comes home.
not the best way to work things out there little buddy, but it's a good start to communicating and learning to deal with his emotions physically and mentally in a big boy way.
it's weird to see Jason acting so grown up. it shocks me sometimes to see how much he understands and how much he can be so grown up at times. almost crazy!
We just need to keep our communications clear and constant, make sure to always talk about things and dig deep into that little brain of his, cus it's running wild and growing so darn fast!! and Joe's gunna make sure to spend extra EXTRA quality time with him, so we'll see where this goes.
I'm telling you, age 3 in a kid's year, amazing...
they change so drastically. insane!


lil said...

ohhh I was crying when I read that! It's so sweet and sad, he must miss daddy so much ,it's so cute, poor jo, he must feel bad about that, but you are both such great parents! To get it out of him like that is no easy feat! He's lucky to have both of you.
It's amazing the range of emotions these little guys have, and it's the same way we express hurt too!

Chacha said...

I know eh?
someone so small has such big attitudes and emotions.
we're trying out best! not like we've ever been parents to 3 year olds! I can only imagine the conversations and problems we'll have to try and find a resolution to when he's 12! holy...
can't think about that right now..LOL