Monday, February 08, 2010


anyways, all to say,
I finally got my boating license! hurrah!
no big deal, but it just made my day anyways:) now I can take you out boating and be one of those cool chicks with their heavy duty sunglasses and bikini...out to save lives..maybe??


lofty said...

more like out to unsave lives


Chacha said...

oh phst...I could boat with one finger and blindfolded:) you up for a ride???

Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! A ride please!!! I want a ride! Save me! Oh wow, one finger and blindfolds...chotto kinky janai Cha-chaan???

Chacha said...

what! grosso, just shows how kinky and perverted YOU are Mr. Noboru! hahahahahaha. but yes I will take you on my super duper spiffed up boat. beer...chips...maybe some naked girls swimming as we pass by..
it's all good..

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I just knew you would be grossed out so I just had to wite it! Hahaha!