Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pompous Princess

miss El Wallace is sweet, sexy, flirty sixteen today and I just wanted to post my sisterly birthday wishes for her here!
let's start with pompous--Elena likes to be her own boss. Hardly ever enjoying others' opinions, rules or orders. She likes to be the one who has voice and command in any situation and if not, raises her nose high in the air to show disapproval. Fusses when her hair hasn't been washed in a few days and HAS to look somewhat decent before going out. whether just to the nearby store, or far away mall. Loves shopping. Especially clothes. She'll easily spend 5,000 yen on a pair of jeans, and jump right into them for the next outing. Always wears some sort of jewelery. pretties herself up before carpet job, and says, "What? If I'm going to be working and getting dirty I at least wanna look somewhat decent!" true...true...
and as for the princess part. well I usually don't let her get away with being one. but today is an absolute exception! so I'm sure she's doing her best to make the most of it:) besides, isn't sixteen supposed to be the sweetest turning point other than 20?
Lainy is lots of other things too. she's beautiful. and she has a good sense of humor. lots of good memories made with her and I were of stupid things we used to do together. "kurchak?!" you get the idea Lainy. she's a great dancer and makes the yummiest chocolate cookies and apple cake! she's an all in all fun girl to be with, and always lets me use her make-up!
Happy birthday Lainy!! i'm sorry this year has to be spent up here in the middle of nowhere, but I hope that it doesn't stop you from having a good time and seeing new and exciting things out there for you this new year! may this year as a 16 year old bring lots of hunks, drinks, cool new teen priviledges...wink, and more. reach for the stars and fly beyond the planets. I know you can grab any dream and make it a reality if you put your whole heart into it! gambatte nezumi!! and... one more thing..
doshite kimi-o 16 ni nate shimatandaro??? kee hee hee. I love you!! Happy birthday my little, yet bigger than me sister!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to the greatest Elena ever!

nina said...

Happy Birthday El!
I hope you have a great year!

Elena said...

hahah some of these photos are the ugliest photos ever... but they were good memories and funny to see so I guess that's ok! haha! thanks chubs, hear that Mika?? She thinks I'm a good dancer!! SEAN T-! ahaha! well thanks for making my birthday a good one chubs! love you!