Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Happy birthday love!

Baby, my life is filled with so many cool, wonderful, awesome things that I've always wanted, hoped and wished for. If I had to choose, though, the BEST day of my life, I would choose the day I met you. the most special day ever, because had I not of met you, I would not have fallen for you..wouldn't have begged for your e-mail, wouldn't have become your girlfriend, wouldn't have spent many AMAZING years with you, wouldn't have married you, and most of all, wouldn't have bore your son! and all those things that I would've missed out on, are all my dreams come true. you've made my life one of my fairytales come true. and I know that it's not all perfect and puffy clouds with pink hearts, but it's a life with you, and that's all I could ever ask for. I love you babe! I know I always say this, but it's one thing i truly admire about you, how you're so understanding! it blows me away each time you take time to understand my screwed up mind! thanks for always being there, through the times I've acted insane, gone through strange hormones, gained extra weight, looked like a witch, cried like a baby.. thanks for every smile, every laugh, touch, hug and kiss. thanks for saying "I love you" no matter where you are or what you're doing. thanks for being the best husband ever, and for your dedication and love as a father to our son! I love you more then you could ever imagine, and on this journey through another new year, I pray that I can be as much as you have been to me! and more! I pray that it'll hold many of your dreams, and make you smile one million times more then this year! may 20 be as cool as it sounds, and may you always know that you're the coolest 20 year old around! I love you!!

ps. me & mister pitka wanted to say we love you! thank you for being such a super-duper husband, and duper-wooper daddy! we took some photos just for you! (Jason fell asleep on set!...these were the only ones that he was still awake!!) wish it could have been more planned and looking more "tadan!" (you get the idea) but sadly, time was short & so we had to take these in a hurry. OH WELL. all to say, we love you! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Anonymous said...

I know I should leave first comment for Joe...but i can't resist saying how sweet this post is!
The Little One is too cute to be true, and he's actually looking at the camera! Good one ;)

Anonymous said...

the kids so cute! and that was sweet. "HB" to joey.

Anonymous said...

Awww Hunny, you're SO Sweet! Thank you for all the love you've given me and our son! I'm one hell of a happy 20 year old because of you! I Love You!
Thanks Nina and Aika! Whew...can't believe I'm 20! Time flys!