Saturday, January 27, 2007

something for you poor souls out there..
tsk tsk..

Every woman, & when I say this I speak for ALL of us women, needs a man who makes them feel like they are the most precious thing in the world.

Hugs, for example. Most women love to be hugged, especially by people of the oposite sex. YOU men. A pat on the back, a quick "loose" movement of lazy arms being thrown around her body because you're embarrssed or shy. Squeezing too hard can even become a problem--What? You trying to squish the life out of her or something? No no, that won't do.
Listen up boys, each hug is precious in our eyes, especialy if you're the one we have our eyes on. If you're going to come up to us and go out of your way to hug us, you might as well go out of your way completely and use that manly charm on us. Relax, don't tense up. Hold yourself like you're the boss and you know what you're doing--she's the princess, the center of your adoration! Show her. Make her feel special, make her smile & walk away thinking "He's such a charmer! So cuddly & sweet." What man on earth wants a woman to walk away & tell her friends that you're a "strange one".
Don't be over confident either, sometimes big ego turns a woman way off. And we don't want that, do we?
Don't cover your ears boys, or look away, this is for YOU: your looks. Women love it when a man keeps himself clean, when she goes to hug him and she can smell a freshly clean shirt, good-smelling cologne, and nice-smelling breath. Trim the hairs, shave the beards--most women love a sharp-clean looking face. She is your woman, you are suposed to win her heart, not scare her away!
Treat her like a woman. Not a thing. Not a man. She is a delicate being that deserves to be treated like a princess. You're the man, it's your job in making sure your woman feels cared for and beautiful. Remind her all the time that she is beautiful, how wonderful she smells, how cute she looks when she laughs. You'll win her heart by speaking her language, not by getting her to speak yours. That will come later.

Here are the 12 secrets to making us women happy:

Romance Is the Key To Sex
For Her, Sex Takes Time
Talking Is the Way She Connects With You
She Needs To Hear You Say You Care
She Needs To Know She's Attractive
Her Feelings Need To Be Honored
Making Up Is Hard To Do
She Likes To Be Pampered
She Needs Your Respect
She Needs To Feel Secure
She Needs Your Time and Attention
She Wants a Man Who Makes Her Feel Like a Woman

And ladies!! Did you know that men crave this thing you possess, your powers of Feminine Grace, so much so that they're hungry for it, even starving for it? They need it, crave it and all you need to do is awaken to it.
With every man I interviewed I always asked them what they found most attractive in a woman.

Here is a list of those qualities that were mentioned most often:

Self-confidence, comfort with who she is;
Stands tall with a sense of personal pride;
Happy with an easy laugh;
Positive outlook on life (they hated complaining and whining);
Enjoys being a woman and doesn't try to be like the men;
Appreciative of what makes a man a man.

-Kara O.-

Amen boys!!! hahahahahaha...i'm joking. you know we all love you so so much!!!


Chacha said...

thank you, thank you Love. EEHE!!
you're already Mr. Prince charming!!!! nothing and no one can ever be more perfect then you!!!!
heeeeeeeyy..I like it when you don't shave sometimes, just cause it tickles and makes me laugh! hehe, and you always smell so nice, I love your cologne...
sigh...i'll save this for when i'm alone with you! ehehehe..
all to're perfect in every way! i love you!

Anonymous said...

women are so complicated and bratty! oh well, we love you girls!! we'll do our best to please you!
you always please us

Chacha said...

gee..what a straight forward word..brats. kee hee
your life would be sooo boring if it weren't for the drive to please us!! giggle.
we love you too!