Saturday, February 04, 2012

My little babyman

Growing up so fast, it's too much for meeee!
the other day we made the phone call to the nearby school to have him registered for September. I know he hasn't even been registered or accepted yet, but for me that call was craazaaaaayyy! I was thinking, omg, my little baby is all grown up and here we are, starting out down the road to sending our very first child into the schooling world. it's a pretty hectic feeling. and I know I'll be one of those moms who cry as they watch their kids get on the bus and happily wave byebye.
I'm excited for him and nervous at the same time. I know the kind of system out there and how its run. I know the kids and the way they are these days. I know I won't be able to shelter him from all that anymore. it won't just be me and him and joe. now it'll be all those other people out there influencing him.
but I know it's good for him, and us as parents. we just need to learn how to work with it and parent him in the right ways. we've been having so many talks about it recently. when a certain thing comes up like drugs/sex/parties/girls etc,. how to help him through it all and help him see the better choices, and how to get up and learn from the wrong ones.
it's all a big adventure and although I'm a bit scared of it all, I'm somewhat eager to experience it all.


lil said...

oh gosh I cant imagine what it's like!! Whatta big boy going to school! Yu think he's ready? Isn't he only 4 years old? Must be soo hard for you haha, but so fun for him! haha, looking forward to more updates and hope we can catch you guys in augst this year!!

lil said...

hey, you and jo gotta get on skype one of these days, gotta discuss august plans, nina said she's def going so we gotta setup something! We'll know what we're doing by the end of march so gotta contact you guys around there! When you get the time logon!