Tuesday, August 24, 2010

my little one year old man

my little boy is almost two! he'll be a little grown boy in no time! well he already is one, but he'll be speaking full blown conversations and all that big boy stuff!
I never thought and could imagine myself to be a mom to a kid older than 4. but now, when I talk with him and communicate and do all sorts of interactive things with him, it makes me just wanna speed up to 5-6! it's AmAzing how much fun you can have with your kid. and I love how he's such a little boy! when he plays with his cars (the favorite thing in the WHOLE world) all by himself on the floor in our room, making little "brrrrooom!!" sounds, it melts my heart to gazillion pieces! he's the biggest charmer in my life, and the cutest fat thing I'll ever squish! (for now eh??) and I know he's becoming a big boy, and one day he won't need or want mommy to cuddle him or smooch him all over, or hold him and read him stories and make funny sounds to make him laugh. but to me he'll always be that fat little chubby boy with the cutest little smile that's worth more than a million dollars!
so before he grows up too fast, I'm gunna enjoy those moments when he's just a little guy who loves to be squished and cuddled.
I have NO idea why I'm getting all emotional over the fact that he's turning two. maybe it's because all my mommy friends tell me that once they turn two, they never turn back. so I'm hoping to hold on to his little one year oldness until the very last second!!
..then of course, two is another exciting age to begin a new stage:)

1 comment:

lil said...

awwww! almost 2! It really is sooo quick when you're in love with your baby, already I'm wanting to stop time just so I can keep holding a tiny little furry newborn, I can only imagine what turning 2 does LOL.

He;s such a little boy, with the sweetest character. I love talking to him on skype, hopefully we can catch you all soon and he can meet his cousin!