Monday, August 01, 2011

Life is full of crazy things, but the craziest is you.
I’m crazy for you, my son, in all you say and do.
Nothing can compare to how much my heart does love.
It starts from beneath my feet, to way up high above.
You give me all I want and need, I find deep contentment in your arms.
In every laugh, smile, goofy face, and every bit of charm.
My heart overwhelms with pride and joy, it’s something I can’t hide.
Your mommy’s very best: Her love, her life, her pride.


I know, it's been SOOO long! I just find FB so convenient!! Everyone's there, and it's so easy to just post and upload photos! But I WILL NOT quit. 
Anyways, I just wanted to post this little mushy love poem to my little man, cus he's just sleeping soo peacefully in his bed all by himself..and he looks SO CUTE! and it makes my heart mush! :)
true love! ><
I was getting all wrapped up in our adooorable neices' 1st birthdays!! And it made me remember how close it is to Jason's 3rd!! (dont mean to steal the thunder girls!) It's crazy how only ONE year can seem to really change a child from something to another. From small, to big!! from helpless to independent! Well, er, not too independent! --yet-- but so very darn close. YIKES.
But it's not them only changing and growing but its us, the parents, as well. I've learned so much from motherhood. From my son!
Sometimes I tell Joe how I'm scared, scared to let Jason go. To let him grow up. He'll only get more independent and I just want him to stay small and squishy and helpless so I can cuddle him and smooch his little cheeks and tell him he's the squishiest bug in the world!! To hold his hand, kiss his ouchies away, watch him smile as one little winne the pooh bandaid stops the pain.
One day he'll push me away and tell me I'm just embarassing him! LOL
I know there's still YEARS ahead, but time will never stop. it will never rewind. It'll only keep going forward.
And we'll only keep growing.
I always seem to get this way around his birthdays! lmao! my poor baby is just so happy and proud to be growing up! And don't get me wrong, I couldn't be more proud and happy to watch him!
He's the love of my life, and I'll always feel so sentimental before birthdays..
Sorry Jason..
Yes, even when you're 20!! TEE HEE HEE
So all that being said, I'll stop being mushy and end with... I'll be posting lots of summer photos! So you can see what Jason's been up to!! :)
And soooon..
a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kannon and Amelie!! YAY

1 comment:

lil said...

oh ugh! its so true, they grow up way too fast it hurts! lol, looking forward to the pics as we arnt on fb!