Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the planning begins,,,

now Jason is 1 years old, my planning to start the weaning is beginning...
Lord have mercy, and all prayers are totally appreciated!!
not to mention, awesome experienced super mom tips too!! :)


Crystal said...

i started off with cutting day time nursing until he adjusted, then went for nights after, but he got to have a yogurt/milk bottle before bed which made it easier to wean, i think. (Lorenzo was a bit younger though, around 10 1/2 months)
i do recommend drinking out of cups instead of bottles cuz it was super hard to get Lorenzo off of the night time bottle after that.
Before bed snack is helpful.

Abi said...

I'm not an awesome super experienced mom, but one thing I remember from weaning Logan was that we weaned him from the breast, to kind of like patting him to sleep, or he'd lie on my chest and I'd pat his back, but that gets to be a huge pain, and then we had to wean him from that. So whatever way you want him to start going to sleep, I'd suggest you start with that right away, to avoid more trouble and work in the long run.

P.S. You guys are an adorable little family

Chacha said...

aw thanks guys!
yeah I've been cutting off only the daytime nursing so far. because Joe is to bed early and up early for work, so I'm waiting till winter for the night cut offs.
but when he goes for naps he gets rocked by one of the older people in the home..
is that not good? I don't think he would fall asleep by just lying down in the bed. if they rock him, will he get used to that and have a hard time sleeping on his own?? I reaaaally don't wanna make things more tough for both him and I..so... heelp!:)

Abi said...

All the parenting articles I've read always say that if you leave the kid alone in his bed, and reassure them that you're close by, but not going to pick them up or rock them or nurse them or whatever it is, they'll just cry themselves to sleep eventually, and the next night them might cry a few minutes less, and so on, till about a week or so they might learn to just sleep on their own.
I was never brave enough to go through with that, so my boys just always fell asleep with my lying down with them.
It is a nice chance to spend time with them, but it is rather time consuming and can definitely be inconvenient at times.
If you don't want to have to wean him from the rocking as well, I might suggest trying a different method, if you're brave enough to withstand the few hours of crying while he adjusts, and later on, be able to enjoy a kid who puts himself to sleep without too much hassle, but it can be slightly heart wrenching for sure.

Anonymous said...

From a Mom of four who will have more: Listen to this rhyme and stop wasting your time. Little Jason wont wean until he's a grown teen. So sit and relax Cha, and take advice from an old ma.

Chacha said...

um wow. I don't know what to say to that one because he's umm..only one years old? and has been weaned off daytime for good!
whoop whoop. I guess I can sit back and relax now:)