Thursday, September 03, 2009


Summer vacation is over officially. and the kids are back in school.
yesterday Greg started the first day of his school year. to those who don't know, he's now going to a school not far from where we live. yup. he takes the yellow bus every day and walks the busy halls of teens carrying books in their hands:) the whole shebang!
as for me, I'm back to the usual things of cooking, teaching, and of course, always and forever will be, teaching, training and chasing after my rascal, curious little eleven month old son.
and here I go again in mentioning that Christmas is on its way in a few months. this means another busy (hopefully!!) next few months of dance practices and other warm, fuzzy, happy winter rituals. (an odd way to put it...)
this time I'm looking forward to Christmas even more. since it'll be my first time in a long time to actually experience a real Christmas winter. the cold snow outside, while safe and snug inside. all cuddled up in a warm bathrobe, fluffy slippers. sipping hot cocoa, or coffee, with those little marshmallows that make it taste just that much better. sitting in front of the FIRE place. (now that's a big must have in Christmas) watching a warm, happy, good old Christmas classic, while the lights on the tree flicker and cast pretty glows around the room.
sigh... I'm getting all warm just thinking about it...
but I'm not sure I want this summer heat to go just yet...
first off, I'm also anticipating a Canadian autumn! can't wait to see all those gorgeous trees turn into awesome bright colors.
Oh, God is so good. and so brilliant to have thought of all these gorgeous things in life.
with all that said, I'm off now to maybe make some more oatmeal cake. yummmm!


Jesse said...

You're so positive yet colorful, thanks for that. I hope Greg makes good friends at school. :) My sister Serena and James are going to public school these days as well. It is sort of a shock for me, but I think it is the best experience they can get for living in Japan, and learning the language. I guess everyone's doing that now. :)

Cheers to Christmas and fluffy socks as well. I also love the sentiment that comes with the seasons. It just get's so cold. Oh well, It's fun to have family nearby. I'm sure you'll agree as well!

Mimi d said...

good post. Creates lovely images in my minds eye.

Chacha said...

oh are they starting public school?? well, good for James! he always seemed to me to be the smartest little kid in Japanese!!
yeah, it is a good learning experience for them; just have to make sure to keep all the bad influence out and just collect all the good ne!:)