Monday, November 28, 2011

little words from my outraged mind

I'm not racist. 
I believe we are all equally entitled to being given a fair benefit of the doubt. Black, white, Asian, Spanish, Indian--whatever. And I usually don't judge one country or one race of people just by one person.
but all that to say, at this very moment I am seriously disgusted by the Chinese people. How they can live so immorally and selfishly. I know the situation and how the government is run is corrupting and causing the actions of the desperate--but does that still justify the inhumanly thoughts and actions that come about? Has society and humanity become so corrupt that we cannot differentiate the right from the wrong? Have we become so numb to the horrors and “bad” this world has to offer that when it comes to ourselves, we can’t even convince our own friggin selves that we can be better than that and we can fight for our own goddamn humanity?
It’s the things that people these days are stooping to that scare me. Giving up of their own sanity and self-respect and throwing it out the window without a care in the world.
How can someone feel justified and humanly correct by raping a woman, or torturing a child? How about murdering, stealing—and Jesus Christ, even the assholes who walk by and do NOTHING to help or be of aid? They are messed up, I tell you. And it sickens me and upsets me to know that I share the same world with people like that.
Especially children! I am a mother and I cannot even dare to imagine harming my child—much less ANY child. If you’re hungry, poor, upset—whatever the case, don’t bring it out on an innocent child. They deserve to experience childhood, to grow up and see hope in this world. Not to be caged like an animal and tortured ruthlessly. It pisses me off to no extent! There’s a lot of people out there that I hope one day—and preferably sooner rather than later—get what’s coming to them before they can create another horror story for me to read.
This world? Seriously f****d up. No lies.


lil said...

it's horrible, I don't read the news anymore, it doesn't help to know these types of things!

Chacha said...

I don't usually read it either. but once in a while I like to get a little angry at mankind...

Phil said...

It seems you're more angry at China/Chinese than at mankind. I'm by no means pro-Chinese, and I know the kind of things that happen, but I also happen to know many things in other countries that are as just as bad.

Partially, I believe it's a question of averages...with billions of people, you are going to have these sorts of atrocities. Yes, Chinese people are extremely selfish and self-centered, but it's partially due to their modern culture. But like a Chinese netizen commented about the Yue Yue incident how you cannot judge the country as a whole just because some of them have no morals.

I can list plenty of other cases of child molestation, prostitution, and other child related stuff from other countries that have it much worse.

Chacha said...

yeah and whoever you are, you're speaking to the choir buddy.
if you read again, I've written that I'm not one to judge one full race of people just by a few idiots.
thus being said,
I've been pissed at many other cultures as well.
the link I posted was just another one of many other countries' idiots that I happened to come across. no offense to the millions of good people out there, Chinese or not.