Wednesday, October 20, 2010

i sawwy i sawwy


it's been way too long since i've touched this place. I'm a lazy busy girl!! ehehe..
I know I said I would update with photos from Jason's birthday, but something is really weird with the blog site and it's not letting me upload photos for some reason...
so I'll keep trying....
but it might not happen for another while!! gomen~~
updates would be....
the Shoji's came for three weeks and it's been SOOO good having them! one year apart has been a crazy long time. since, from the very beginning, it always used to be us living like 10 minutes away and seeing them every day. every night has been a midnight or past that time we are all tired and ready to go back to normal sleep schedule..though it will be really sad without them! (the shojis')
we've all been hit with major colds since the first of this month. we're finally starting to see results in recovery, so that would be a goooood thing i guess?! yes??
halloween is coming up..I'm reaaally excited! it's gunna be fun!!
must run off now to a byebye party..
but promising to keep trying every day to get them photos working!
cross my heart
until then,
I. love. you.!

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