Sunday, December 06, 2009

Day with Leila & Jodie

Joe had Taijustu in Toronto today, so I woke up with him at 7 in the morning and got ready to make the long 2 & 1/2 trip.
when we finally got there, we barged into the house and jumped on Leila and Mike's bed to wake them up. Kee hee, haha, no...we didn't do that..but they did greet us with happy tired faces:)
I had lots of fun talking about babies, pregnancy, driving, husbands, and all sorts of things. thanks for having us, guys!! Lots of love and kisses, especially to the poochiest baby girl, Jodie!
Jason misses you princess..


Joan said...

aww thats so cute!!

Megumi Hirasawa said...

Aw, so cute!

lofty said...

hahaha now im gona say somthing original

Aww so cute!