Monday, November 09, 2009

Nina bumbeeeennnaaaa

My Inoshishi queen, Happy 19th!!
Now you're my age, and we can think exactly alike! tee hee hee. well actually, we are totally different people in everything. Other than workouts...maybe? haha. but it's a good thing, because even though we might clash sometimes, for most of the time it's so fun to hang with you! you're uper uper sweet and I love you loads!!
two main times that I remember most are when 1: she came over to dance with us. that c-mas was awesome, and you were a great roomate! and 2: when she came over for a few days to help me with Jason! thanks soooooooo much! I was sooo afraid I would have to be alone in the house for the whole time, but you came to my rescue! my hero!!
thanks for being my pal, sister in law, friend, and dancer! hope this year is swell and you live it up like you've never before.
I know the Lord has a high calling for you somewhere, because you have so many talents, I can't wait to see you use them all!
hope your birthday brings much joy!! and may the inoshishi king one day find you! (snicker) I love you Nins!!

1 comment:

Nina said...

oh hey! Look what i found! :P
Thanks Cha! Such a sweet post...some ptl pics, but all's well :D