Monday, October 26, 2009

these moments...

there's times in my life when I clench my fists, grit my teeth and just beg Jason to sleep or calm down, stop crying, stop wanting to always be with mommy..
but years from now, I'm gonna wish I could relive these moments again. the times when he needs me, when only my kisses can take away his pain. when only my arms can reassure him. when only my name will stop his tears. one day he's gonna be all grown up and not need me as much. he won't need me to rock him to sleep, or wipe away his tears. and I'm gonna miss these moments.
so with all the crying and clinging, I will do my best to treasure each moment with him, before he grows up on me and all these moments will be just memories...


Leila said...

Gosh, I know how you feel, there's sooo many nights where I'm so exhausted and she refuses to be with anyone else, and just wants to be held, and kissed, and comforted by me. Its hard.

Chacha said...

yeah, and especially now, for me since Jason's been weaned from daytime boobie, he often wants more love and attention from me.
but he's my prince, and I love him always:)