Monday, June 29, 2009

trip to Toronto

I'm gonna be posting photos of the different things we did on our trip into Toronto. but not tonight, since I'm dead tired and am in need of some serious sleep.
just to fill you in on what happened in our three days down there.. we spent the night at our aunt's place. and feasted on our uncle's amazing cooking! (spanish can really cook!!!) then spent the next day out with our second cousin, Chihiro, who's here in Canada for about a year on homestay. I don't even wanna get started on the 3 hour driving around Toronto city..BUT it was fun and great to see him:) then we spent two days at Markham home. went to a party that totally rocked, except for the fact that everyone was drinking and letting it loose while me and joe sorta..stayed behind. I had a tired baby, so I took one beer and that was it. and Joe...yes...poor baby, him being the driver and all. thank you Jesus So much for drivers. they are so sacrafisial. it's amazing. xoxoxoxo
it was a great trip, all in all! so thank you Jesus we're alive, home, and I so can't wait to jump into my queen sized bed and just..sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! ><
love to you! oyasumi!!!


Ana Martel said...

Hi Cha, I just saw your comment (I've been a little delinquent...eeeeee) Thanks.
It was really nice having you guys here, I hope it is the first of many. :D
Love you

S.D. Wallace said...

Sweet Cha! Thanks so much for all your love and understanding. You are a very sweet and loving daughter!

Love ya!
