Sunday, March 08, 2009

it's been 6 years!!

already! and how time flys! I love you so so much Baby! I am so happy that you are still here beside me, sharing life together and loving each other every day! It's such a privilege to be married to an awesomely handsome, sweet guy who's a perfect father to our amazing son:) life is great because you walked in. and who would of thot that we'd make it six years, and end up married with a kid already? I dreamed, but never thot. thank you! you make me so lucky! I pray we can stand together still, six years from now, and celebrate 12 together:) you're an awesome man. and you have my heart forever and ever! I love YOU!

to think it all started from this.....aren't we sweet?!

I remember the FIRST gathering we both saw each other after we "got together". god, we were both so shy... someone was trying to get us to go for a walk the WHOLE time but we were being such dorks by shying off. gee...


Lil said...

That's a record! I love that pic of jo with his little eyes, sooo cute. can't believe time flies so fast! Congrats on your real anniversary

Unknown said...

hahaha you're such a grump on your birthday!! ahh I could laugh forever! :p

Anonymous said...

wow, its been 6 years already! Congrats! But I already knew you guys would get together :P!!! At the Jett camp I remember asking you if you liked Joe, and you got all embarrassed, kawaii katta.
I can remember that gathering too!

Chacha said...

aahahaha... yeah I'm like, "Daddy, not the SAME cake for my second birthday." but then I fell in love with it! the best cake ever! daddy's the best at it:)

Anonymous said...

yeah that was a good cake :)