Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happiest Thanksgiving!

to each and every one of you out there:) well...really actually it's not Thanksgiving just yet...but we thought we would celebrate it a little earlier since these next past weeks will be a bit busy!
so happy thanksgiving anyways!:)
on Tuesday, Love Hut joined us in a fun Thanksgiving party that's been the best so far! yay! lots of good food, and oishii dessert! games and Buster Keaton! ehee hee! definitely Buster Keaton...

the pilgrims and indians got together and made a wonderful feast

they also became GREAT friends

one freaky indian dude seemed to have really enjoyed his turkey

while the pilgrim girls decided to stick together..

everyone else decided to mingle

except for the littlest indian, who didn't seem very pleased about being left out

the little pilgrim boy decided that ink-feathered pens were old school, and decided to jump a few centuries and try technology...I think he rather enjoyed himself

after dinner, the indians and pilgrims got together to play some games..

they got a bit competitive...

...while the little pilgrim boy kept typing away...the whole while being sneaky about the can of beer

then when everyone started to get ready to go home, the littlest indian woke up

mommy and daddy were so happy and "thankful" that little papoose had slept through the whole party, allowing them to eat and play some games:)!!

and that would be the end of the Thanksgiving story!!


Mika said...

thanksgiving looked fun, wish i could have been there! well maybe next year, I guess I should come down and visit you guys soon eh? anyway I love you cha, hope to see you soonn! muwahhh

Lil said...

looks like everyone had a good time! Man is papoose getting huge!! Look at his double chin..actually it's so fat he doesn't even have a fold!! LOL

Anonymous said...

that looked so fun! Jason had such an angry face! he must've woken up on the wrong side with too much noise ;).

Anonymous said...

I think that was the best story I heard in a long time ! haha! the pics are great! and you have true talent with the words you used! I had a good laugh! -Ivan