Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 16th of 2008,(yesterday!) the due date of my baby, but not his birth! I know it’s unlikely that babies pop out all the time right smack on their due date, but I was kind of hoping this one would! Each night I’m asked, “Any contractions yet?!” Oh well…I guess I could use these few extra days to stare at my tummy and feel my waddle before it all disappears. Tee hee. I can’t say these nine months have flown by, but they definitely haven’t crawled. It’s been a very easy, smooth pregnancy, something I always find myself thanking the Lord for, since it could have thrown in some of the major aches and pains which I have thankfully escaped from! I’ve actually enjoyed my pregnancy, (you know…with the excuse of being pregnant you get a load of good things…but if Joe still allows it, I’ll remain a little bratty with my fruit cravings even after the pregnancy..shhhh) and just might miss it! But not for a looong while, since I’m more then eagerly awaiting those good old cocktails, starbucks coffees, jeans and tops that just don’t fit me at the moment, exercises and sleeping on my tummy! Ooh, the tummy sleeping…something I miss sooo so much, and can’t wait to get back to!:) I think I just might miss those times when this baby starts to kick up a storm and move around like a wild thing, it’s a wonderful feeling I still can’t get over, and he is able to get my whole attention each time he does it! but once he’s born there’ll be way too many cooler memories and times with him, so I’m looking forward to that!:) As for now, my long walks and stair climbs will continue, and those cartons of yogurt will keep being devoured. Yay! Maybe my next post will include photos of my darling sweetie pie son, but then again, we never know!


Lil said...

Hey! Nice pic. I got the messages from Jo on skype! The contractions have started!! Treasure the moments as I hear they fly soo quick! Looking forward to being an aunt anyday now. I was just thinking how I might start calling Jason JAJA!!!

Anonymous said...

I just finished typing all sorts of stuff that include 'cute picture' and 'must kampai after the birth' but something went wrong with my comp! So.
Have a great delivery! Will be praying for you!

Chacha said...

Hahahaha!! Jaja!? where did that come from! lol! people over here are already naming him the "J Baby" kinda pimpish..
Nins, yeah PLEASE pray for me, especially that he'll COME out any day..he's just getting fat now. haha

Jesse said...

Congratualtions. Oops. I spelt it wrongly. LOL!

Anonymous said...

cuuuuuuute! you better post photos of the baby as soon as he comes out! can't wait to see him!