Friday, August 08, 2008

it's real quiet around the house now, since my parents & Elena & down are in kyushu for two weeks. Mika and Ivan are here for a week or so, so it keeps me company..somewhat!...i've been finding myself basically sleeping all day! just too tired and hot to do anything in this weather! please pray for me, I'll really need it to keep up with the rest of this month! ehe!
but I can't complain! it's a nice relaxing summer, and I actually am finding myself enjoying the sounds of the billions of semis in our trees! me and joe usually despise those things, but this year they're kinda friends...:)
last night Greg held a little BBQ in "celebration" of our legal marriage. haha, such a sweetie pie! bought some shrimp, chips, beef, made hamburgers and hot dogs--of course not forgetting the best part of a chillen summer bbq--BEER and Chu-hi!..and fruit juice for me! grin! it was a fun relaxing afternoon with weird toasts from weird-but cool people! so all in all, other then this humid weather, summer of 2008 is pretty sweet:)
..and that's all I have to say for now...just a little update on what's been going on here! cheers!!


Anonymous said...

everyone's left already? Hayai ne!
I'll be praying for you Chum!

Lil said...

no pics yet! Congratulations on your legal marriage! Good to hear the updates and that summer life is good! Take it easy on these last pregger weeks! Yuummm bbq shrimp...

Anonymous said...

aren't you about ready to pop pretty soon?? be safe.

Chacha said...

gunna pop in september! pretty soon:)!
thanks guys, i'll really need prayers! ehe! and yeah...I took pics with the new cam but then I realize I don't have the card reader, cus daddy has it in kyushu!'s sad. me and joe are gunna go out and buy one! can't wait! then I can post photos!

Anonymous said...

Hope you're not too uncomfortable in that heat. It's pretty hot over here, too, but I don't get the worst of it because of the air conditioning. Here in the states, that is. And congratulations on getting married finally. Wish I could be there for the ceremony when you have one, and especially to see the baby. Wish I could call you, too, but for now blog comments and e-mails will have to suffice.
Take care of yourself. Love you lots!


Chacha said...

hey Sharon! saishiburi, good to hear from you! how's it going in the States? you gotta write me up a long e-mail and tell me all!
yeah this heat man..
but yeah, good hearing from you, write me eh?

Chacha said...

heeeeey and invite me to your blog!

Anonymous said...

praying for you! can't wait to see photos of the baby!